The Resources You Need to Start Creating Visual Content





The Resources You Need to Start Creating Visual Content [In Under 100 Words]

by Jay Acunzo

August 17, 2013 at 8:00 AM


Artist Toolbox: Dean Russo / Dumbo Arts Center: Art Under the BrHappy weekend! Time for more marketing in under 100 words. Today, it's do-it-yourself design.


First, learn some basic design terms and keep the non-designer's guide to Photoshop handy.


Next, get inspired. Unleash your inner Steve Jobs with beautiful presentation design, or your inner web designer with 15 brilliant homepages. Once you're feeling creative, boost productivity with 13 design tools for marketers on a budget or take a visual tour of creating effective calls-to-action.


Finally, if you’re ready to design, make sure your hacks come out beautifully. Start with these 27 button templates or create infographics right in PowerPoint.

Wow -- 98 words. If I had to use my final two, I suppose I'd say, "Good luck!" or, "Happy designing!" But really, I should say, "Thank you." Thank you for caring about creating quality (if hacked) design that your prospects and customers love.


For some bonus design help, check out our template for SlideShare slideshows here!


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